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The Rational Telsa Bull Case - Cars are 10 percrent of valuation

VIDEO: Why Tesla Is Actually Worth $1 Trillion

If you are wondering how some people value Tesla hundreds of billions of dollars higher than other intelligent people do, this is the video for you. This video examines how one institutional investment agency (Tom Narayank, Lead Autos Analyst at …

ev plugged in

SOLVED: How Big Is The EV Market, Really?

We usually start our conversations with the premise that the market for electric vehicles is about 75% of all passenger vehicles today. Of course that is limited to first world, fully developed countries like Canada, the US, Germany, Australia and …

youtube on iphone in hand

YouTube Channels About Apple Lifehacks

Apple devices have become a part of almost everyone’s life. They offer endless entertainment and productivity possibilities, so they are a popular choice. Yet, how does one tap into its limitless potential? YouTube is the solution. It has become a …